In 1994, Peter Zeller, a resident of Charlotte, NC, began serving in the United States Navy. During his service, Peter Zeller has worked with Honeywell International, also located in Charlotte, NC.
At the beginning of June 2021, Honeywell International announced that it would be developing technology for its JetWave products that improve satellite communications for military and governmental aircraft. Honeywell International is known for developing products across many industries, including aerospace.
With this incarnation, Honeywell International will introduce the JetWave MCX, which is an enhancement of the original JetWave product that offers high-speed WiFi for commercial and business jet passengers. With this product, customers can use Ka-band, a technology that allows higher bandwidth communication, which will provide more flexibility in accessing communication technologies from anywhere in the world.
In the past, the military has been limited in its choices of high-bandwidth communication, often having to access a vendor-locked network. With JetWave MCX, the military can access high-speed connectivity from anywhere around the world. This access can be used in warfare, surveillance, and humanitarian missions.